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Araetá - A Literatura dos Povos Originários

Araetá - A Literatura dos Povos Originários traz um recorte da produção literária de autoria indígena no Brasil, com enfoque na produção 105 autores de livros escritos e narrados por indígenas em língua portuguesa e nativa. Com curadoria de Selma Caetano, Ademário Ribeiro Payaya e Kaká Werá Jecupé, a mostra conta com a consultoria de Daniel Munduruku e do linguista Araibo Kezo. Denilson Baniwa assina o painel de abertura e a identidade visual.

A exposição também apresenta um universo visual vinculado à literatura indígena, por meio de objetos, ilustrações e fotografias. Araetá expõe a produção de 14 fotógrafas e fotógrafos de 12 diferentes povos, com curadoria de Cristina Flória e Richard Werá Mirim.


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Sesc São Carlos, 2021

Após a exibição haverá bate-papo com o diretor artístico e de fotografia do filme, Alberto Alvares, cineasta indígena do povo Guarani Nhandeva. Sonia Barbosa, liderança da Terra Indígena Jaraguá e Cristina Flória, diretora artística do filme.

Grátis. Retirada de ingressos limitada a 1 por pessoa, com 1h de antecedência, na Loja Sesc. Lugares limitados.

March 25 and 26, Saturday and Sunday

Workshop on Saturday

Exhibition and sale of handicrafts on Sunday




Location: Outdoor living area - Sesc São Carlos


Panorama of Indigenous Cinema

Curator: Cristina Floria

I find themonline forums discussed film productions

performed by indigenous directors, who act to disseminate their productions por through their works and actions.

Mario de Andrade House Museum, São Paulo, 2022

Introduction to Cultural Production for Indigenous Peoples

Curatorship: Cristina Floria, Cristino Wapichana eJailton Carvalho

The online course Introduction to Cultural Production is aimed at indigenous participants and offers basic knowledge about cultural production free of charge.

Sesc Pinheiros, Sao Paulo, 2021

Indigenous Women:Representation and Visibility 

Curatorship: Cristina FloriaIt isJailton Carvalho

Dialogues and reflections on the actions of indigenous women in their communities and outside them, their actions in the fields of education, health, professional development and political empowerment.

Sesc Pinheiros, Sao Paulo, 2019

Warã: Meeting of Knowledge

Curatorship: Cristina FloriaIt isMarília Cyrne


Rounds of conversations, interventions, experiences, video exhibitions and visit to the Guarani village., Tekoa Itu. The Meeting promoted reflections on the traditional knowledge of the Guarani (SP), Xavante (MT) and Krahô (TO) peoples, and their relationships with different types of knowledge. 

Sesc Pinheiros, São Paulo, 2018

Paths of Mario - EthnographyatSao Paulo City

Curatorship: Cristina FloriaSérgio Fogaça


Course that provided a revisit to Mário de Andrade's paths through the city of São Paulo, with reading activities in the field of ethnography, documents from the Society of Ethnography and Folklore and a visit to the institution's old building.

Mario de Andrade House, Sao Paulo

Contemporary Resistances - Meetings of Indigenous Peoples

Curatorship: Cristina Floria


Reflections on indigenous societies and their right to diversity. Meeting that was part of the exhibition “Adornos do Brasil Indígena: contemporary resistance”, the result of a partnership between Sesc SP and USP - Museum of Archeology and Ethnology of USP

Sesc Pinheiros, Sao Paulo,2017


Curatorship: Daniel Munduruku,cristino wapichana,Cristina Floria,Junia TorresIt isAndrea Tonacci.


Five conversation sessions, with indigenous representatives of various ethnic groups.

Itu Cultural, Sao Paulo, 2016


Traditional Knowledgein contemporary society

Curatorship: Cristina Floria


Meeting with indigenous leaders for a reflection on indigenous societies and their traditional knowledge, which are in continuous creation and production of diverse sets of knowledge.

Sesc Research and Training Center, São Paulo, 2016

Meeting with Indigenous Women

Curatorship: Cristina Floria


Meeting with representatives of the Karajá, Yawalapiti, Kamaiurá peoples. Bakairi and Guarani, for a reflection on the indigenous feminine universe.

Sesc Research and Training Center, São Paulo, 2015

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